Rebel Cities with The Place Bureau

‘As the world turns on its head, it might just be the rebel cities that make it.’

Everyone’s been talking about the changing face of the city. But what if we lifted our gaze from our doorstep to seek inspiration from the cities that know how to shape-shift in the face of adversity? What if we played by the rulebook of the Rebel Cities?

In our webinar, place visioning strategists, The Place Bureau, dissected the signs of a Rebel City. They traced how Street Smarts, Collective Confidence, Reverend Reinvention, Civic Redemption and being Paced for Pleasure could characterise the future of our cities, taking us on a whirlwind tour of Dakar, Brisbane, Medellin, Athens and Chengdu. Click here to read their in depth report or send us a note to see a full recording of the webinar —

Karen Willey